If you do not want the Federal Central Office for Taxes to transmit your church tax data in an encrypted manner, you can transfer your data until 30.06. of a given year. Please direct your objection to the Federal Central Office for Taxes. The officially prescribed form for this can be found on www.formulare-bfinv.de as a "declaration of blocking" under the keyword "church tax". The Federal Central Office for Taxes will then block the transmission of your church tax deduction feature. If you have already objected to the transfer of data, you do not need to file the objection again. An objection shall apply until its revocation. We will not pay any church tax for you.

The Federal Central Office for Taxes will then report the objection to your tax office. Church members are requested from there to submit a tax return for the collection of church tax on settlement tax.

Legal basis for this procedure: § 51a para. 2c, 2e Income Tax Act; church tax laws of the federal states.