Consumer Protection
Western Union values its business and takes pride in delivering your funds in the quickest and most reliable way possible. However, it is im...
Are there common fraud scenarios that I should be aware of and things I shouldn’t send my money for?
Only use Western Union to send money to friends and family. Never send money to someone you have not met in person.Scammers sometimes encour...
Someone claiming to be from Western Union emailed me. What should I do?
If you receive an email from anyone claiming to be from Western Union and you are unsure about it, do not click on any links in the mail. Th...
Can the test question feature secure my funds or delay payment of a transfer?
In some countries, senders are asked to provide a test question and its answer when they initiate the transfer. In cases where a test questi...
What can I do if I suspect fraud or am a victim of fraud?
Contact your government’s Office of Consumer Affairs if you are uncertain or suspicious of a telephone, mail, or email solicitation.If you f...
What additional tips should I keep in mind?
Always make sure you know who you are sending money to.Discontinue a call if a caller coaches you to respond to questions asked by Western U...