Send money in person
How do I send money from a Western Union agent location?
You’ll need to provide a valid identification document and transfer details, and pay the agent the amount you want to send, plus fees, in ca...
Who uses Western Union money transfer services?
Western Union’s services are for anyone who needs to send or receive money quickly, from travelers and people supporting friends or relative...
Who are Western Union agents in Kuwait?
They are our representatives who will help you to send or receive money. They could be banks, post offices, supermarkets, grocery stores, ma...
How can I find a Western Union agent location in Kuwait?
You can easily find a Western Union agent location online. Just use our agent locator for this.
How can I find out if my money transfer has been paid or is available for a pickup?
Any time after the money has been sent, you can check your transfer status online. All you need is your name and the tracking number (a...
When can I visit a Western Union agent location?
Each Western Union agent location has its own hours of operation.Find a nearby Western Union agent location.
How much money can I send from a Western Union agent location?
You can usually send up to 7.500 USD per transfer. However, for certain amounts and transfers, you may be subject to provided additional inf...