Registration and profile settings
How do I register with Western Union?
If you are a new user, you can register with Western Union via our website or mobile app.Steps to register on our website or app: Selec...
Does it cost anything to register for online services in India?
No, it’s free to register for our online services in India.
Who can register and send money online?
Anyone who meets the following criteria can send money online through in India:Residents with a valid PAN card and address proof.You ...
How many times can I register?
You can only register once with your email ID.
How can I change or update my WU profile?
You can change or update your WU Profile information from the Profile overview tab after you log in to your profile i...
What do I do if I forget my username or email, password, or repeatedly entered my details incorrectly?
Your username is your email address.If you forgot your password, you can select the Forgot password option and a new password will be sent t...
What do I do if I want to change my login information like password or email address?
You can change your password on the Profile Overview page after logging in. Please select Edit profile from the right-side menu and cho...
How do I log into my Western Union profile?
To log into your Western Union profile, please follow the steps below:Select Log in.Enter your registered email address and passwo...
How do I add my debit card, credit card1 or a bank account?
To add a new payment method, please follow the steps below: On our website: Log into your profile.Go to the Payment preferences&nb...
How do I change my profile privacy and marketing settings?
On the website, log into your Western Union profile.Click the Menu icon and select Settings from the dropdown.In the Informat...
How can I delete my Western Union profile?
To delete your Western Union profile, please contact Western Union Customer Care toll free number at 1-800-102-7111 available from 9:00 am t...