Send money
How can I send money with Western Union?
You can send money with Western Union:Online using our website or the Western Union mobile app.In person at a Western Union agent location. ...
What details do I need to provide when sending money to a business entity?
When adding a business entity (non-individual) as a beneficiary, you will need to provide the following details:Beneficiary nameBank account...
Can I pay for overseas education online?
Yes, you can pay for your education online if you are paying for examination fees, school or university abroad. Please select beneficiary ty...
What is a payment reference number?
A payment reference number is important to identify the sender. Once you initiate a money transfer successfully it will be displayed on your...
Where can I send money online through India?
When sending money to a company or an institution, the countries you can send money to are1:United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, France, Ge...
Can I pay for my international travel online?
Yes, you can pay for your personal or business international visit by sending money to your tour operators, hotels, travel agents etc. Pleas...
For what purposes can I send money online when sending to a business entity?
You can send money online for the following purposes:Overseas education: payment to universities, institutions for college fees and entrance...
How much money can I send online to a company or an institution?
Once your verification is completed, you will be able to send online the INR equivalent of up to 10,000 USD per transfer for education, or u...
What if I don’t have a payment reference number?
If you cannot locate the payment reference number, you can provide the MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) to the receiver to reconcile the...
How can I cancel my online money transfer after it was sent?
An online money transfer can only be cancelled if it has not been paid out to the receiver in the destination country. You can cancel the tr...