Registration and profile settings
How do I register with Western Union?
If you are a new user, you can register with Western Union via our website or mobile app.Steps to register on our website or app: Selec...
Why should I register with Western Union?
Registration is required for most of our services and you can easily register via the Western Union mobile app or at westernu...
Who can register on Western Union?
Anyone who meets the following criteria can use Western Union services in New Zealand:Must be 18 years of age or above.Must have a valid gov...
My profile is locked. What should I do?
Try using Forgot password. If that doesn’t work, please contact us.
Does it cost anything to register at Western Union's website?
Registration is free of charge.
How many times can I register?
Only one registration is possible with a valid ID document and email address.
How do I log into my Western Union profile?
To log into your Western Union profile, please follow the steps below:Select Log in.Enter your registered email address and passwo...
How do I change my password?
Follow the steps below to change your password: Log into your profile. Choose Reset password.Enter the new password and select Sa...
How do I update my email address in my profile?
Follow the steps below to update your email address:Log into your profile.Enter the new email address and select Save to confirm the changes...
How do I update my postal address and phone number?
Follow these steps to update your postal address and phone number:On our website or the Western Union mobile app:Log into your profile....
What do I do if I forgot my User ID or password, or repeatedly entered incorrect details?
If you forgot your User ID, password, repeatedly entered incorrect details or your profile is locked, please follow the online instructions ...
How do I delete my profile?
We’re sorry to see you go. Please note that you will lose your existing MyWU points (if any) by taking this step and your complete tra...
How do I change my profile privacy and marketing settings?
On the website, log into your Western Union profile.Click the Menu icon and select Settings from the dropdown.In the Informat...
- Send money
- Send money online
- Send money in person
- Send money to a mobile device
- Send money to a bank account
- Receive money
- Western Union® mobile app
- Western Union agent locations
- Registration and profile settings
- Help with current and past transfers
- Identity verification
- Sending large transfers
- Consumer Protection
- Customer questionnaire