Registration and profile settings
How do I log in?
To log into your Western Union Wallet, please follow the steps below: Open your wallet app.Enter the email and password you used to reg...
How do I update my email address in my profile?
To update your email address, follow the steps below:Log into the app. Select Menu at the bottom of the screen.Select your name to access yo...
Are there any fees associated with the wallet?
To get detailed information about any fees associated with the wallet, go to the Wallet Terms and Conditions and the Cardholder Agreement.
How do I sign up for the wallet?
To sign up for the Western Union wallet, simply download the wallet app and click on Sign up for wallet. You'll need to enter the following ...
What if I am unable to complete the registration and identity verification process?
If you cannot complete the registration and identity verification, you may be asked to provide additional information, documents or speak wi...
How many cards can I add to my profile for the purpose of topping up my account?
You can add up to 5 credit and/or debit cards to your profile to add money to your wallet.
I have another question or concern that is not addressed here
For questions or concerns not addressed here, you may need reach out to our help center by calling our customer support line on 1-800-325-60...
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